Day 17 NameSpace | Kubernetes

Day 17 NameSpace | Kubernetes

what is namespace?

  • Namespaces are also called virtual clusters in our physical Kubernetes cluster.

  • We should use Namespaces where we have many users spread across multiple teams over projects.

  • Namespace creates isolation boundary from other Kubernetes objects, also we can limit the resources like CPU, Memory on per namespace basis(Resouce Quota)

Kubelet having some default namespaces that used by kubernetes to manage the operations. like default , kube-* etc.

How to create NameSpace?

There are two ways to create the namespaces.

  1. Using kubectl command.

    kubectl create namespace dev3

  2. Using Declarative yml file.


Namespaces provide a way to logically separate resources within a single cluster and enable better resource management. For example, if you have multiple teams working on different projects in the same cluster, you can create different namespaces for each project.

Names of resources must be unique within a namespace, but not across namespaces. This means that you can have two resources with the same name in different namespaces. This is especially useful when you want to reuse the same resource name across multiple projects.

Made with ❤️ by Pratikkumar Panchal.